Thursday, November 19, 2009

Green Smoothies!

This has absolutely nothing to do with photography... though I may post a couple pictures at the end, just to make it feel like more of a photography blog.  Anyways, I'm in the beginning stages of a new project for my photo II final... and I actually think it may turn out kind of cool.  We'll see though-- I don't want to get my hopes up too high.  It's a mix of clowns and sin.  That's all I'm going to say at the moment.
I've been on a green smoothie feast for the past two days and so far, so good.  I got to the point where I was drinking about one 32 oz. green smoothie once a day this summer, then my blender started being a jerk... and then I got lazy.  Macy got me a new blender for my birthday & I got re-inspired to try them out on a regular basis.  I was reading on some raw forum of a woman who went on a green smoothie fast (I like to call it a feast, personally... I think 'fast' sounds like you're withholding something from yourself... but green smoothies give you SO MUCH. Much more of a feast than a fast!) and so I decided to try it out too.  I have eaten some other cooked food, but I do plan to do this again relatively soon and have only green smoothies for a week or two.  I know I'll want mashed potatoes, rolls & vegan broccoli and cheesy rice casserole for Thanksgiving next week... so, this is a mini-feast, there will be a better one to come :)  My 1-year vegan anniversary is coming up and in honor of all that I am going to try to improve my health even more so by adding more raw foods to my diet.  Although I don't intend on becoming 100% raw (right now, we'll see if that changes!) it's hard to ignore the obvious health benefits of incorporating more raw foods to your diet.

Yeah, this hasn't been about photography at all.  That's okay though :)  If you have any interest at all in green smoothies, read Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko.  They are hands down the best thing I have ever added to my diet... and the one thing I would encourage everyone to add to theirs!


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