Wednesday, October 14, 2009


If you are a photographer who also loves music, there is nothing quite as exciting as the opportunity to take pictures of one of your favorite bands.  As of tonight, I am fortunate enough to add one more band to my  "favorite musicians that I have also photographed" list.  It's a small list at the moment, but at least I have one.  Anyway, I decided to not stay home and study when it was probably the more responsible choice and instead went to see my friends from The Javelin Dance and also one of my favorite bands, Dr. Manhattan.  I had communicated with them somewhat via myspace about doing pictures at some point-- but with school and midterms I wasn't able to do my first idea with them... so we improvised.  I used this terribly tacky gold tablecloth I got at a church yard sale, taped it to the wall and went from there.  Definitely not my best work, but whatever.  At some point in the future we can shoot what I originally had in mind which should hopefully be more exciting and fun to look at. 

Most of my time lately has been dedicated to studying, editing photographs for clients, doing some documentary photography work and trying to plan photoshoots to complete my photo II assignment.  I'm also trying to get everything organized for my portfolio review, which hasn't been very successful.  Knowing me I'll get it all done the Saturday before... or Sunday.  Blegh! I'm not sure why procrastination has hit me so hard in the past year, but it's quite irritating.  Once October 27th hits I will be able to chill out and not be so crazy--- I hope.  I need to clean my apartment... it is for real a disgusting mess.

That's it, I think...
